Critical Materials Corridor

Expanding US Critical Materials Capacity

The U.S.’s Critical Materials Challenge

  • Processing

    Dozens of critical materials processing facilities needed to secure US supply chain.

  • Accessibility

    Existing facilities inaccessible by rail or interstate routes.

  • Byproducts

    Limited ability to manage radioactive and other hazardous byproducts.

  • Sustainability

    Requires environmentally sustainable extraction and processing technologies.

The Solution

Build an accessible, sustainable, Critical Materials Corridor (CMC) in collaboration with Sandia National Laboratories and the Critical Materials Institute led by Ames National Laboratory between Denver, Colorado and Salt Lake City, Utah

Crescent Junction Site

  • Hosts Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) site managed by Department of Energy

  • Between Green River and Cisco along rail/interstate routes

  • Able to manage radioactive byproducts from critical materials processing with government permission

Green River Site

  • Completed 600+ acre critical materials site design/costing for rail loop, roads, and water lines 

  • Completed 15+ year archeological survey and municipal annexation

  • 3,000+ acre-ft water rights secured

  • 3-mile separation from closest possible residential zones

  • Dedicated optical fiber installed

Cisco Site

  • Complementary site for clean, critical materials processing

  • 500+ acres with electric grid, natural gas, road, and rail service

  • Plans for water/sewer supporting residential and industrial zoning

  • Under development for carbon-capture gold/silver refining capacity, green hydrogen plant, and materials science innovation campus