Critical Materials Infrastructure

Environmentally Aware Technologies

CVC enables sustainable US-based critical materials supply chains

CVC’s vision of an environmentally sustainable, US-based, critical materials and precious metals supply chain begins with the company’s extensive, 2,600 acre holdings of proven, mineral-rich, claims in eastern Utah, and will soon include a nearby technology development campus in a recently-acquired 500+ acre, federal opportunity-zone, township.


Precious and Critical Materials Exploration and Processing

While CVC’s primary revenue source resides in rich deposits of precious metals, some critical minerals within CVC’s holdings have attracted significant interest, given their capacity to end dependence on China for fundamental aspects of the US strategic materials supply chain. The massive in-ground precious metals values within CVC’s mining claims allow us to dream big.  Our goal is to leverage these in-ground values to invest in new mining and processing technologies that make critical material extraction and processing environmentally sustainable. This will ensure a 100-year, and beyond, supply of critical materials for the US.

CVC has recently acquired a 500+ acre site near its mining claims on which we are planning to build precious metal and critical materials processing facilities. This site is remotely located yet accessible by road and rail, allowing CVC to operate with significant autonomy while also serving as a processing hub for numerous other mining operations within an approximate 500-mile radius, many of which are actively pursuing critical materials extraction such as rare earth elements. These operations currently have NO place to process, refine or manufacture end products outside of bulk shipments to China. It is unlikely that a better site exists in the United States for the development of critical materials processing, refining, and manufacturing infrastructure.

Centrally Located

CVC’s critical materials processing facilities are under development in Eastern Utah where mines from El Paso Texas to Carson City Nevada and Boise Idaho can truck in materials in a single day.

Readily Accessible

The company’s critical materials production and development facilities site conveniently sits astride Interstate 70, enjoying ready freeway access, as well as existing, on-site, railroad infrastructure.

Well Environed

CVC’s materials processing facilities location, situated in a remote high desert setting, allows sufficient space to realize fully the company’s strong commitment to environmental sustainability.

Critical Materials Technology Campus

State of the Art Research and Development Facilities

With our partners and stakeholders, including major universities, corporations, and national labs, we have begun plans for a 500 acre technology campus near CVC’s processing facilities. CVC plans to establish regulator-approved facilities for researching and piloting new critical material processes. Through strong partnerships between industry, academia, and government, the US can develop environmentally safe, economically viable REE processing capabilities for sustainable, long-term production.

CVC recognizes the need for promising research to be tested at pilot scale in environmentally regulated, access controlled facilities where critical research by both corporations and universities can be conducted. Researchers and developers with promising ideas can be limited by what they can accomplish at local facilities which may lack the regulatory approvals necessary to manage caustic chemicals at scale. CVC will provide regulated space and facilities for performing these experiments, shouldering the regulatory burden so that researchers and developers can focus on what they do best.